martes, 21 de agosto de 2018

AHMSA justifica transferencia a offshore de Odebrecht

La empresa no existía cuando se firmó contrato.

La acerera Altos Hornos de México (AHMSA)justificó las transferencias hechas por un total de 3.7 millones de dólares a las cuentas bancarias de Grangemouth Trading Company, la firma offshore creada por la constructora Odebrecht para repartir cientos de millones de dólares en sobornos a la élite política de América Latina, con un contrato firmado antes de que la propia Grangemouth fuera creada.

En un comunicado de prensa emitido luego de que se difundió el reportaje de Quinto Elemento Lab, Altos Hornos reconoció que entre febrero y marzo de 2014 realizó las transferencias a las cuenta número 244087 que Grangemouth mantiene en el Meinl Bank, en el paraíso fiscal de Antigua, en cumplimiento de un contrato “para asesorar en la búsqueda, selección evaluación y cotización de equipos en Europa y Asia”, así como la supervisión de la fabricación de la maquinaria”, entre otras tareas.

miércoles, 15 de agosto de 2018

lunes, 6 de agosto de 2018

Is living in Mexico depressing?

Douglas Whiteside, Born and raised in the U.S., permanent resident of Mexico since 2012.

Resultado de imagen para México montañas de colima
I am a U.S. citizen that moved to Mexico in 2012, when I was 56 years old. I am surrounded by palm trees and beautiful green mountains. The food I eat is incredibly fresh; most of it raised, grown or caught less than 200 miles from where I live. The weather, particularly this time of year, is practically perfect. I have no need for any sort of heating system in my house. In fact, I do not know anyone here that has heating in their house.
The people here are the friendliest, most welcoming and accepting people I have ever met. Almost every weekend someone I know is having a celebration; a major birthday, a wedding, baptism or maybe just throwing a party to celebrate life. That means every weekend is a chance for me to meet new people while enjoying great food, music and drinks.
Although I have a relatively modest income by U.S. standards, here that income allows me to live quite comfortably. I can afford to have help with a variety of household chores and maintenance tasks. And, generally speaking, I do not need to use credit to pay for any regular expenses.
But, maybe that’s just me. Maybe as a U.S. expat living in Mexico without the need of finding a job here, I would be the exception. Not according to the evidence. Mexicans Are The Happiest People In A New Global Survey.
So, no, living in Mexico is not depressing. Living in Mexico is fantastic. What is depressing to me is watching the train wreck north of the border and worrying about my friends and family still living there.
Source: Quora.